4 Min read
Last update
May 28, 2024

How to create roles and allocate permissions

How to create roles and allocate permissions

On Small Business Pro, members can create ‘teams’. These teams give your employees access to the platform and allow them to help you run your business better.

In the teams area, you can not only add a number of different teams and members, but you can also allocate them specific roles and permissions to help further streamline your operations.

Here, we’ll help you assign roles and permissions to team members in Small Business Pro.

Accessing Roles and Permissions

Dashboard overview:  

Once you’ve signed into the Small Business Pro platform, you should be directed straight to your dashboard.  

Here, you should find access to all your benefits and tools.

Dashboard overview

Find Settings:  

In the dashboard's left-hand side navigation menu, look for the Settings option and select it to reveal a dropdown menu.  

If you can’t see the Settings option straight away, you might need to click to expand the menu.

Settings menu

Go to Roles and Permissions:

Once you have expanded the Settings menu, locate and click on Roles and Permissions. This takes you to a screen where you can manage all roles and permissions settings.

Roles and permissions menu

Customising Roles and Permissions

On the Roles and Permissions screen:  

Once you’ve arrived on the Roles and Permissions screen, you should be able to view your members and their roles, as well as a selection of default roles ready for use.

And, if these default roles don’t work for you, you can also adjust and tailor roles and permissions depending on different users' needs.

Roles and permissions

Creating a new role:  

Locate and select the Create New Role button. This will navigate you to a dedicated screen for defining a new role.

Creating a new role

Name the role:  

At the top of the screen, you'll find a text field. Enter a name for the new role here (choose one that reflects its responsibilities or the type of team member who will carry it out).  

Naming the role

Assign permissions:  

Below the member’s name field, you can toggle the switches corresponding to various system permissions to activate them for this role.  

This setup allows you to customise the role's access and capabilities within the system precisely, so the right people have access to the right tools.

Assign permissions

Finalise your role:  

After setting the role’s name and permissions, click the Create Role button to save and establish this new role.

Create teams, add team members and set roles